3 years ago
What are boards?
MAIN is a large community that consists of many smaller thematic communities called boards. Boards are created and managed by users like you. Each board is dedicated to a specific topic or idea and has its own page, rules, members and moderators.
Users fill the boards with posts and discussions, moderators control compliance with the rules and topics of the boards.
๐Ÿ’Ž Why create a board?
In addition to the fun you can get from communicating and developing your board, boards can generate income for their administrators thanks to board coins.
Every board, when it is created, gets its own coins that anyone can buy and sell. The price of each coin goes up when people buy and goes down when they sell.
A board creator can buy coins for their board when it is created and then make the board popular. If other users buy board coins, then their price will rise and the board creator will increase his capital. Moreover, the board moderators get a portion of the board's revenue from, for example, rockets.
You can learn more about board coins here: https://main.community/help/boardcoins
โš™๏ธ How to create a board?
You should login to the web version and click on "create board" button (on "My boards" page). There you will find instructions on how to create your board and apply.