2 years ago
People have to work, spending their time and energy to earn fiat currency – which bankers can print at the push of a button and spread inflation around the world.
By charging 2% per annum from everyone, they earn 2% of the entire world economy.🤯
The global syndicate of central banks literally steals our time and drains our life force to live like gods while doing nothing.
They push us against each other, distract us and force us to live our lives for an artificial purpose: to buy everything that is newer, more expensive and not necessarily better; to consume; to spend without any distractions.
Because according to them, that's what life is.
They're forced to maintain the consumption narrative that sustains a global financial Ponzi scheme, enriching those closer to the money printing press.
The system keeps everyone in fear of losing all the money so that we are always dependent and continue to do "what's right".
In their consumption-based artificial world, we are all literally drowning in our own trash.
But we can't do anything about it because it's not economically profitable.
It's more profitable to just sweep all that under the carpet and let the future generations deal with it.
It's more profitable to monetise problems rather than to solve them. If a problem can't be monetised, it gets ignored.
Global problem-solving is not much of an interest to anybody, the most important thing here is to make a profit.