10 months ago
Importance of learning English
Although Bengali is our mother tongue, English is very important to us. It can be said that English is our second language. That's right, the British ruled the subcontinent for nearly two hundred years and introduced their language, English, here. During the British period, the textbooks of this country were read only in English. The British government gave importance to English language to speed up their administrative activities. But English language education was not welcomed by Muslims in the same way as Hindus welcomed it.
7M JeBowers
Daily Jugantor
Today in the 21st century, when the new generation of children do not have the expected level of English language skills, it is heartbreaking. As we know, English language proficiency depends on four criteria. These are listening, speaking, reading and writing. These are less practiced among our students. Therefore, we see that the basic or secondary level of students in this country is very weak in English. According to a national level survey, the reading performance of English subjects in primary third to fourth grade students is not as expected.
I am a gardener with elite education
A significant number of students have very poor English language skills. They cannot read and write English well. And at the secondary or higher secondary level, it is true that there is a lot of demand for expert English teachers. They are more interested in teaching young students English in coaching centers rather than in classrooms. So parents and students register their names (students) by queuing up at these coaching centers. It is not enough for a teacher to teach with many students in a batch. If possible, there is more trade in education than that.
Parents feel a little satisfied by sending them to learn English from an expert teacher. But how much students are learning English can be easily understood from a statistic. In 2014, only two out of 40,565 candidates qualified for admission to the English Department in the Arts Faculty of Dhaka University. In 2016, 90% of the candidates failed in the admission test of 'C' unit in English. Educationists have also expressed disappointment at this poor state of the English subject in the country.
In fact, when students remain weak in English at the end of an academic year, it is a burden to the country. The present age is the age of science and technology. Here we have to communicate with the outside world by applying English language knowledge. Employment abroad (good knowledge of English is considered a skill), research, business, higher education will all see the importance of English.
Our knowledge of English language is so weak that nowadays even on Facebook we see that Bengali language is being written in English in order to express one another's thoughts. The actual English language is rarely used to express feelings. It is also true, many pass BA, MA but cannot speak English. It needs to be considered whether it is a fault of the education system or a reluctance to teach English language.
Nowadays, the modern media that are within our reach,
For example, using Facebook, YouTube, various apps, etc.; english
Movie, BBC, CNN, Aljazeera etc channels are regular
One can become proficient in English by listening. in English language
Environment is also an important factor in achieving fluency. own
More in English with family, school or people around
An environment to practice the English language from the interest of speaking
can be made To make the teacher perform proper duties in the classroom as well
will be In addition, age is the initiative of the government to spread the English language
Various suitable projects can be undertaken.
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