a year ago
APY calculator
Today we want to share our revenue model based on MAIN deposit.
Let's say you deposited 5000 MAIN with 30% APY.
So in a month with EarnPark it will turn into 5 109 MAIN.
What would happen in a year?
5000 will turn into 6 495🪄 (if you deposit 10 000, they will turn into 12 991, so the more you deposit – the more you earn)
But – watch this!🪄
In 10 years with the same APY your 5000 will turn into 68 565!
Not magic, just compound interest. 🪄
Pro-tip: adding just a 1000 MAIN to your deposit monthly will make it 643 342 in 10 years!
We've built an APY calculator to help our users estimate their possible earnings and learn more about compound interest.
👉Check it out here https://earnpark.com/calculator/
Got any questions? Let us know👇