a year ago
My Crypto Experience Thus Far
I wanted to do this before now, but I decided I needed to take my time and tell the whole story, because it is a story now lol. Everytime I think back to how I started, the thing I did and the mistake I made, I always laugh at myself.
let me start right at the beginning. I started hearing of crypto after my secondary school days, but then I hard no interest in it maybe because I had nobody close to me that was into it.
After a year I got into the University and I meet people from all over the country, who had different backgrounds, ideas and knowledge about things.
Among my course mates I was privilege to have some course mates who where already into crypto and make money from it. I say 'privilege' because I was a little bit close to them, so that's how my eyes and my mind got opened to cryptocurrency in general.
I made so many friends, but I had just three close friends in my department, only two was into crypto, me and the other guy was a novice then.
As time goes on both of them like and always talk about crypto, like which coin to buy and hodl, which to be checking out for, which to avoid, which to sell if there were already holding it.
I was curious, so I was always sitting with them because I wanted to learn and also start making 'small small' pocket money lol.
So I got to know about binance, trust wallet, pancakes swap, uniswap and some other wallet and exchange, but I didn't know how to use them then so I couldn't buy, sell or swap myself, that was where my problem of loosing money start from lol.
Because I wanted to hold too, whenever I hear of them talk of any coin or other people talk about any coin, I just wanted to buy also and hodl, lol not doing my own research on the coin first, but then I didn't even know how to research a coin another big problem lol. That made me to invest in so many rubbish coin, which there are still in one of my trust wallet till data lol. Also because I couldn't buy myself the guy buying for me cheated me alot, something of $10 he will say $15 and on and on.
In my year 3 that was around 2020, we started talking about crypto networking, platform that has to do with growing of it's community to earn or mine their token. I also lost money to this because most of this crypto networking was just like a Ponzi scheme.
Also during this period, we came across a platform that has to do with community that did pay us well for sometime, that was when I pick interest in anything web 3. It was during this period I started $MAIN also but sincerely I was not really into it because the value was really small then. So I was just making post and earning little by little. I was also able to gather some of $MAIN tokens then.
I then took a break from crypto so I can receive some fresh air and also do some thinking because the money I told you I made from one of those mining platform, I lost almost everything to that market dip that happened recently, so I will say I wasn't feeling too well lol, this was also the period I was to take my final exams in school, so you see I really needed that break lol.
During the period of my final exams, my friend told me that $MAIN has really grown and many vital changes has been made to improve the community and token, that I should check it out. I said I will but after my exams, so after all my exams I came back to using the platform and I saw how the community has improved, which was adding value to peoples life and mine also, I decided to stay and help also grow the community, and we are here today, I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere lol.
$MAIN has really brought back that feeling of being in a project that has a future and you see yourself in that future. I believe in MAIN and I know we are all here because we believe in it also, so let's grow it together.
It a little bit long but just take sometime and read it, I believe you will find some places funny and interesting.