a year ago
in the G20 raise the issue of regulation of the cryptocurrency sector. India expressed a competent thought, but it smacks of something ...
The head of the Indian Ministry of Finance, Nirmala Sitharaman * (the name, of course, is beautiful, but it’s hard to even read it) * speaks about the regulation of cryptocurrencies as logically as possible:
"No country alone is able to effectively regulate the crypto segment, since it has no borders. It turns out that the very concept of what is focused on blockchain technologies requires the involvement of all countries, otherwise supervision will be ineffective"
At the same time, India does not regulate digital currencies and does not register cryptocurrency platforms - it is not entirely clear whether this is due to the wise "wait and see" or they simply do not want to get burned and cause confusion in the financial sector.
It would seem that the aunt stands up for truth and justice .. but in previous years she also spoke about the crypt as a way * "for money laundering and financing terrorism" * and the threat * "dollarization of the country's economy" *. Also last year, a 30% tax was introduced on income from the sale of cryptocurrencies, and war was practically declared on crypto exchanges.
India is a member of the G20, the issue of supervision of digital assets was included in the global agenda as part of its representation.
The G20 summit will be held in September - by this time the main theses and options for solving the main problems will be submitted for discussion. Let's see how Sitharaman (he almost broke his tongue while reading) will speak about the situation with representatives of the G20 countries.