3 years ago
Scalable blockchain network provides foundation for more secure, stable coding for developers
Blockchain displays another use case in its support for developers, with releases that support automation and simplified workflows without a single point of control.
Git open-source repositories are a popular method for storing code. Unfortunately, a high degree of centralization means there's a single point of control — sparking fears about the prospect of censorship resistance and security. And as more code is written, it can become less secure.
Solutions are now being developed for the teams who manage these open-source repositories — with decentralized autonomous organizations sometimes tasked with building consensus around a code. They can encourage and incentivize developers to look at the code and attest to its security.
The technology of Everscale Network, a layer one blockchain recognized for its stability and high performance, directly solves this gap with a decentralized on-chain git source holder, better known as GOSH, developed by EverX, Pruvendo, KWPC and Blockchain Family. As a separate blockchain based on Everscale technology, this has become a go-to in securing the global software supply chain of open-source software existing solely as a utility fork for the greater network.
To put the benefits of this release into perspective, GOSH looks to Docker, a technology company that develops productivity tools to automate code deployment in software containers, for endorsement. Docker has made the announcement for a beta release of Docker Extensions, a marketplace where developers can take advantage of additional tools and workflows, integrating them into existing projects.
As a part of the Docker Extensions launch, a series of different partners were engaged to integrate a total of 16 extensions — and of those, six focus on securing the software supply chain. For the rest of the industry, these findings indicate the importance of security and stability for businesses and the developer community as a whole.