3 years ago
Some statistics on our token on the BNB chain
๐Ÿฅž The start of trading on PancakeSwap is May 13, 2021.
Starting price ~$0.002
The minimum price is $0.0012.
The maximum price is $0.005.
The current price is $0.0025.
๐Ÿ’Ž Data for today:
Token holders: 1,875 addresses (229 of which are board coins smart-contracts)
Board coin holders (with more than one coin): 344 addresses
MAIN tokens locked in board coins: ~14.8M
Total number of transactions: 12,150.
๐Ÿ“ˆ Unique data for yesterday:
Transaction amount: 17M tokens
Number of transactions: 259
Number of unique recipients: 84
Number of unique senders: 48