2 years ago
MAIN as a tool for creating web3 communities
If you look at MAIN not as a social network, but as a tool for creating web3 communities, you can see many interesting advantages.
🛡 For community creators:
  1. Easy start. You do not need to be able to write smart contracts and come up with your own algorithms for issuing and selling tokens in order to launch a community on MAIN. All you need is to replenish your account with tokens, come up with a theme for the future community and launch it.
  2. Built-in monetization. You don't have to think about how to monetize your community. You can focus on its development and automatically earn on the commission and on the growth of the price of your coins when users start buying your coins.
  3. Ready-made management tools. MAIN is designed for online communities. You already have a lot of features at your disposal: content creation tools, auto-moderation, ranking algorithms, mobile apps, interfaces for buying and selling coins, and much more.
  4. Audience. Not only can you invite your audience to the community you've created, but you can also capture the attention of the audience of the entire growing MAIN community. It's much easier than creating your own community from scratch.
  5. Financial support. Building a community is hard. MAIN makes it a little easier with a built-in user reward system. Any community in MAIN, when it is created, receives an inexhaustible source of rewards, which can be used to engage and encourage all its active members.
👻 For community members:
  1. Shared ownership. You can not only be a member of any community, but also, having bought its coins, become its co-owner and, accordingly, also earn on its growth or take part in its management.
  2. Decentralized governance. Members of communities do not depend only on their administrators. Even if the creator of a community abandons his community, its members can choose another administrator and continue to develop their favorite community themselves.
  3. Rewards system. With a built-in reward system, you no longer pay for access to content or community, but the community pays you for your activity and contribution to the its development. Isn't that a miracle?
What benefits did we forget to mention? Or what tools would you like to have?
Write in the comments 👇