a year ago
New Strategies for Rocket Rewards on MAIN
As you know, rockets on MAIN now significantly boost not only the recipient's activity but also that of the sender. Thanks to this change, a whole new reward strategy has emerged in MAIN – content moderation.
However, there's a catch: rockets are paid, and to make up for their cost, you need to acquire a substantial amount of coins in the community. This way, you get a higher multiplier and can pull a larger share of rewards that can potentially cover the expenses. I've tried different approaches, but rockets only start paying off in boards where I have at least 10 coins. In rare cases, I might break even or at least cover rocket costs with 5 coins, but it greatly depends on the activity of other participants, the size of board rewards, the number of allowed posts, and other nuances.
Thus, this strategy is currently more suitable for users willing to purchase coins in more significant quantities. The plus side is that this approach indeed allows you to contribute valuable work to the community by assisting in reward distribution, all while receiving good APY for your expenses, even without posting.
Below are my results for communities since the beginning of August. The table displays my activity rewards for each board and the amount I spent on sending rockets in that board. I made an effort to send rockets only to posts I genuinely liked. If I couldn't find such posts, I simply refrained from sending rockets on that day in that community. I also wasn't active every day in all boards and mostly enjoyed browsing through board feeds at my leisure.
As you can see, I ended up in the positive mainly in boards where I had many coins (except b/selfie, where I couldn't cover rocket costs). But keep in mind that in these boards, I also burned a significant amount of my coins for tens of thousands of tokens. Somewhere I managed to break even, which is also, of course, good. In smaller boards or where I had fewer coins – I mostly incurred losses and stopped spending on rockets, unless I wanted to support a particular post.
Overall, this strategy can indeed be successful, especially when combined with other activities.
In a few boards, I also made posts and participated in discussions, which also earned me rewards. Nevertheless, in most boards, I primarily earned activity through moderation. We could say that comments and posts, in my case, are byproducts of implementing the moderation strategy (when you send a rocket to a post, sometimes you also feel like commenting on it).
If anyone is interested in checking their reward results and the number of rockets they sent to the top 15 communities, feel free to comment, and I'll share the specific tables with you here. The data is open to everyone with due diligence, so it's no problem sharing them.