a year ago
About 8 years ago, i had no knowledge about cryptocurrencies, so a friend of mine asked me if I would like to make an ROI of 500% in a year, I was excited and didn't hesitate to join the smart contract.
But before then i lost some good amount of Tron in a particular wallet, due to my lack of knowledge , plus the smart contract site crashed and made away with my tokens.
After some years, when meme coins were a trend, i asked him to buy some for me (LTRB) and keep, Hoping it will pump after some time. Some months passed, then we met on the way, I asked if it has pumped, guess what he told me!... "I misplaced my wallet address and everything in it is gone", gone like the wind. that was how i lost twice investing in crypto.
I decided to stay off the radar for some time, then Suddenly I heard of MAIN from a friend of mine @alechenu , i didn't hesitate to join.
As of then earning didn't require having any board coin, but earning was poor + the price of main was very low, I did not know what kept me going but i was just doing some activities, i guess i was doing it to pass time.
But today the story has changed, i do $Main with so much passion, starting with nothing and now can boost of something. With MAIN I have had no regret coming back to the crypto world, with MAIN I can get at least a 25 % of my investment, i now know much about crypto and I'm still learning, i can now trade cryptocurrencies, I'm gradually becoming a PRO.
So long as MAIN lives i will remain with MAIN forever.