5 years ago
Interview with Wafflestomp (p.2)
Hello, dear users! Here comes the second part of the interview with Wafflestomp. First part u can check in my account or follow the link:
- N: Now tell me: u have been already used for both platforms: reddit and MDK. What’s the difference? What do you want to see in next update on MDK?
- W: The major differences between reddit and MDK is big. Reddit users have the capability of making their own server/threads where they can post whatever subject matter they feel, and moderate the "subreddits" that they have made. And members have the ability to send specific members direct messages too. The user base is also much larger, but in that, I like MDK more. A smaller user base means that original content has a better chance of being seen by more people. MDK's coin system is also a better system than reddit karma system. In both earning potential, and use. Being able to promote something and use the coins you earned for it, feels more inclusive. Now as for what i would like to see in future MDK updates, the option to send users direct messages. There are people that wind up using someone's public post as a chat room for some really personal stuff between two users, and some want to say, contact someone on another platform, but don't want to give their username due to fear of getting spammed by trolls.
- N: I hope, that admins will read this interview and pay attention to your request :) Now, let’s get back to personals. I cannot hide my interest to American presidents, and thanks to conditions you’re an adult and can give an objective answer to my que. Which president is better: Bill Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama or Trump? And why?
- W: Honestly, Clinton, Bush and Obama were world's better than trump ever could hope to be. When clinton was president, he didn't try doing stupid corrupt shit like making a quid pro quo with outside nations in order to gain power for future elections. Unemployment was way down, and America was being more helpful to the world. Bush, yes, he goofed in office a bunch, but at the end of the day, he still was doing his job to the best of his ability, and crime was on the decline. Obama was amazing. Not only was he and his family helping the nation with disaster relief, they were trying to make education, and universal medical care mainstream, and free for everyone. As well as putting into motion a tax system that would make the top 1% money holders, the rich business owners, and billionaire moguls pay their actual dues. Then in comes trump and fucks everything up, he throws out Obama's immigration treaty, because he's a xenophobic bigot, he colluded with Vladimir Putin to rig the 2016 elections, and again tried to force Ukraine to investigate the Bidens, just to try to gain a foot hold for 2020. Trumps an idiot. Always has been. I can't wait until he gets arrested as soon as he gets impeached. And the rest of his supporters in the house gets forcefully removed.
- N: Very interesting! When I was little, I heard such expression as “American Dream”. I understand what does it mean (poor boy from Iowa comes to NY starts to study hard and work hard to get what he wants). Is this suitable for present days? Or it’s a total bullshit?
- W: Oh, yes! As long as you work hard for what you believe in, you can achieve anything. You can make it big anywhere, you just need to get out there and do everything you can to get there. You don't really need to go to New York to do it now, but the analogy is still accurate. But the thing is, you can achieve the dream anywhere, it's just glorified in America because if you make it big, you normally had to go through hell to get it. Sometimes, you might luck out and land an amazing opportunity, and find your dream even faster than others. Look at a bunch of the YouTube stars and content creators. They started off just making goofy videos, or videos of them just playing video games. Now they do that full time as their careers. It's not bullshit, it's just tougher to get it nowadays.
- N: Have you ever been to Russia? If not - how you (Americans and you) imagine Russia? Do you think it’s easier to make it big in Russia? And why?
- W: Never having been to Russia, I would imagine it's about the same, but there's also the government and pecking order of things, unless you are doing something completely original, there's going to be people that might try to sabotage your efforts. It's the same here in America. Opportunities are everywhere, people just need to know where to look, and what to do.
- N: You’re absolutely right! I read your post about education in America. I only didn’t understand one thing: where do people go to work after colleges? And if education is so expensive, how people get this education?
- W: Some people are able to find the jobs they went to college for, but mostly, people either drop out due to money/ credit issues because of the loans that they had to take out in order to go to college. Many others wind up in dead end jobs that have nothing to do with their education, just to try to pay off their debt, which could take years. And during that time in debt, they can't really save any money to retire with, or invest with. And they wind up stuck at those shit jobs, because they figure it's the best they can find. The other reason why graduates can't get into the jobs they went to school for is because the job requirements are fucking stupid. Like, if you wanted to get a job as an entry level game designer, fresh out of college, you'll find most of the software companies are requiring at least 2-7 years experience with a program that just came out. It's beyond retarded.
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