a year ago
CRYPTO REQUIRED HARD WORK "Because lazy sheep don't stand a chance against wolves"
Everyone says they want to be rich.
For most, what they really mean is they want to win the lottery. They don't want to make the sacrifices, take the risks & do the work to make it happen themselves,
Look at your circle of friends. How many of them joined the Crypto market when everything was going viral with the hope of becoming overnight millionaires? My guess? Probably 80% of them.
Now, let me ask you another question.
How many of them are still actively researching Crypto and investing in this space today??
I'll guess again. Probably 10% of them, at max. See the pattern here? Our society is ***** up. People are constantly feeling entitled. They want something for nothing. They want results without effort. But it's not how it works. That's why the herd usually only loses money and is the exit liquidity of actual winners,
Because lazy sheep don't stand a chance against wolves.
You should have noticed that only a few people make it big in Crypto
Here's why:
-Cause they are willing to go the extra mile.
Cause they are willing to struggle for years without making a penny.
Cause they are willing to study in the dark without anyone clapping for them.
-Cause they are willing to fight against their human instincts to get better.
If you're willing to do those things, you're already well on your way to success. It's highly unlikely that it will happen overnight But if you stay focused and make discipline a key component of your investing journey. wealth will inevitably come at you. WEALTH IS A PROCESS, NOT AN EVENT.
Enjoy your Saturday THANK YOU