3 years ago
DappGoose Labs DAO
Soon, though there isn't any exact time frame in place; we (the team behind NFThub and Nifty Pride) will be deploying, and legally incorporating, the DappGoose Labs DAO as a decentralized, open access R&D studio that focuses on Web 3.0, NFTs, and the Metaverse.
DappGoose Labs will then serve as a "parent company" overseeing our existing and future projects; while also allowing more people from the community to become directly involved and reap the rewards of the ecosystems growth.
Once deployed, DappGoose Labs will have an application process to vet potential participants; as well as requiring a tribute of stablecoins (or interst bearing aave stables) to prevent spam, and to encourage members to actively participate in governance; based on their having "skin in the game".
DappGoose Labs current ecosystem includes:
- NFThub
-the Nifty Pride Foundation
- $DOWN social token
- Skull Soup
- MetaMerch / NonFungible Fashion
And more!