5 years ago
Interview with Wafflestomp (p.3)
Hello, dear users! Here comes the third and last part of the interview with Wafflestomp. First and second part u can check in my account or follow the link: (p.1), (p.2)
- N: What is most annoying thing in America (except education😅)? I know, that lots of Americans hate IRS. What else?
- W: I would have to say that to me, the most annoying thing is how money dependant this country is. And how limited you are if you don't have a credit card. (Which I still don't, and for good reason.) The politics are annoying as fuck too. They always make promises during their campaigns, then as soon as they win, they act like they never made those promises. But the most annoying thing about America, (and I know how crazy this may sound to someone who isn't American) is the American language. It's constantly evolving, because of newer generations create slang that can't be directly translated into other languages. There's too much for any one person to take in all at once. How one word can mean something completely different depending on the context it's used in, while other words sound the same, but are spelt differently, and have completely different meanings and uses (there, they're, their, for example). And lastly, how much big corporations control the flow of our economy. Big brand food processing plants push out product like junk foods, and make their prices dirt cheap, pulling in big profit, where as farm grown produce, and healthy food options are priced higher, due to them needing money for equipment maintenance, and other costs. The list for what annoys me about my home country is way too long, lol. But if I had to narrow it to one thing, it's politics.
- N: I could never believe, that everywhere’s the same shit) While was reading the answer - was seeing my own country in front of my eyes😃
- W: Lol. Yeah. The similarities are crazy. It only feels easier because we are so used to the stuff that happens around us.
- N: And that’s sad( like someone said: there’s no heaven on earth.
- W: That's only because of our mentality. With a more positive perspective, we can make a heaven on earth. Or a close enough paradise. As the book says, Eden wasn't in heaven, but on earth.
- N: So you agree, that people deserve the storm shit that they get?
- W: Ah! That's the other annoying thing here in America. Religion. Yes. I am a firm believer in karma. What goes around comes around. If someone treats others like shit, those people will get shit on.
- N: Modern generation is less religious than yours?
- W: This nation was founded on the idea of freedom of religion, yet Christianity and Mormonism are trying to force their ideals down everyone else's throats. Calling all other religious beliefs "heathenistic" or "pagan" Jewish people aren't pushy, but they are judgemental here in America. And no, it's not less, or more. It's just heavily biased in the whole "holier than thou" aspect. Mainly because of televangelists here in America. I say "if you're Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Mormon, or any other religious group, awesome! You do you. Just don't try to force your ideals on me because you think my 'pagan' ways are wrong. My religious beliefs predate Christianity, and our stories are a helluva lot better than anything you'll find in the bible." Lol sorry. I am an eclectic pagan. Meaning, I am not any one religion, but a bit of everything that makes sense.
- N: I totally agree with you. For me - it’s not important which religion you follow, or not following at all. First - be a human, and treat like you wanted to treat with you
- W: That's literally what everything boils down to. Moral of every religion "don't be a dick, and you won't get treated like shit".
- N: But if it’s so simple, why do we live in a shitty world? I think it’s because every human thinks, that he is superior
- W: Bingo!
- N: It’s sad
 Anyway, interview comes to the end, but there left bench of “standard” que, and the first question is: how much do you earn per month?
- W: It depends on how busy I get. But anywhere from 500-700.00 USD a month.
- N: Is it enough to live?
- W: It helps that I only need to pay 200.00 USD a month for rent. So yes.
- N: Wow, cool)) next que: describe yourself with three words?
- W: Fun (Fun as in I am fun to be around), funny (I make people laugh.), creative (creative mind)
- N: This adjectives suits you J what’s your creed in life and dream?)
- W: My creed in life is to live without regrets and make people as happy as I am. My dream is to be known all around the world for my talents and personality.
- N: I wish you good luck. Unfortunately, our interview has come to the end, but I have last questo=ion: what will you wish to our readers?
- W: I would wish everyone of the to live life to the fullest. Don't let others get you down. And just be as awesome to others.
- N: Thank you very much Jeremy aka @wafflestomp. I hope everyone got satisfaction from getting knowing you, like me.
If you’re interested to get interviewed - just write me in telegram @nolor666