2 years ago
Sandbox becomes private. Find out how to get its coins for free.
As you may know, last update added a very important feature – private communities. We decided to make this board private so we could make it even better and more interesting.
First of all, what does a private community mean?
A private community is an opportunity to gather great people and to create a board without spam or irrelevant content. A board where every post (I hope so) will be interesting, high-quality and relevant to the community! A board full of deep discussions, original content and new thoughts.
If earlier almost anyone could post and comment here, now only people who are really interested in discussions and sharing their stories and thoughts will be able to create posts, because it requires some amount of board coins. If you want to be a part of b/sandbox, you have to buy and hold at least 0.5 board coins.
The good news is that we have 100 board coins that we want to give away to our community. If you create a valuable post and we will like it, we will send you 0.5 board coins as a gift! Thus, you basically get a free board membership!
It is as simple as that! All you have to do is:
1. Buy at least 0.5 board coins
2. Create an interesting and valuable post
3. Wait for the moderators to notice you
If your post is good, you will get 0.5 board coins.
The promotion is valid until we run out of all 100 board coins!
Take this opportunity to join the growing and evolving b/sandbox community!
You can read more about how exactly private communities work here. And if you don't know what board coins are, you can read about them here.